
Having driven to Ewelme on Saturday, I rode the route from there in the prescribed clockwise direction. A spectacular aerial display just beyond Chiltern Park where a big field being ploughed had attracted a score of circling red kites! Not much else to report, apart from many cyclists being on the roads…

A glorious day for cycling Kingston Hill… (Sunday)

Did some of the route yesterday (Sunday). I only went as far as Watlington then up Watlington Hill instead of Kingston.

With rain forecast for Monday afternoon I hit the road before nine so as to be back by lunchtime. Very benign cycling conditions – hazy sun, little wind – but Kingston Hill seemed as hard as ever. By the time I got to Woodcote I was feeling ready for lunch, so didn’t follow Nev’s little jaunt around the back streets and so got back home with a total of less than 38 miles.

Good route and weather but nasty hill turned into pleasant walk and even more bluebells!

We cycled the route this morning omitting only the last part from Woodcote to Whitchurch Hill due to urgent need for a cup ot tea available in Elvendon Road. Stats from newly downloaded Strava sent separately. A really enjoyable ride with long gentle downhill or flat section from top of Kingston Hill to Goring.

Tom and I did a reduced route, cutting down the Ridgeway and Swan’s Way from Watlington to near the bottom of Syncombe Hill (where there was a police car waiting on the bridleway). A very nice ride plus I’d not done those bridleways before; oh and no nasty hills…

I cycled from my home in Blewbury to Ewelme via Wallingford, then off towards Goring, returning after the airfield to Ewelme then home. I deviated to Cholsey and back to bring the total mileage up to 40 miles, my record for the year so far. Enjoyed a rest by the pond at Ewelme on the way back.
Many thanks Nev for a stunning ride through some of the prettiest parts of the neighbouring counties. Bluebells and all!
Thank God for ViewRanger – I’d still be trying to complete the fiendish circumnavigation of Woodcote without it.
Dist: 44.6mi
Time 3.37hrs
Av Speed 12.3mph
Elev Gain 1,854ft